Saturday, May 16, 2009

Season Finales, or, Now What Will I Watch All Summer?

I've heard that a recent study showed that watching television actually helps lonely or depressed people because it makes them feel like they're interacting with other people when they aren't. To some folks, perhaps this fact is sad, but the truth is some people are just lonely, and if watching television gives them the comfort of human interaction then I'm all for this.

And I think I'm also proof that this study is true. When I moved into my apartment I had a television but no way to watch actual television. I thought that Netflix would just solve my problems, but it didn't. I spent a lot of time wandering around my tiny apartment feeling lost and lonely. Since I obtained a new television and digital antenna, these feelings have vanished. That's not to say I consider myself a lonely person. I have the best friends in the world, the amazing boyfriend I keep mentioning, and an amazing family. I read, I do school work, and every once in awhile I get a creative burst and work on some sort of project. My life is not lonely or empty. However, I think I've been happier since I regained the ability to quietly watch tv in my sweatpants after a long day. I managed to catch up on some great shows in the second half of the season. And I'm sad to say, the season is coming to an end.

Okay, this show I watched all the way through. I'd go to my boyfriends house to watch, since we're nerdy about LOST together. I thought the season finale was stunning and I HATE the fact that it won't be back until 2010. It seems like an eternity away to find out if the bomb changed history, if Jacob is good or bad, and if Ben will ever go back to being awesome and manipulative. If I had to posit a few predicitions, I'd guess that the bomb did not undo their history but that it created it. Of this I am fairly certain, but what remains to be seen is if Faraday knew all along that this is what was to happen, or if he actually thought he could prevent the Oceanic 815 from crashing.

I'd also predict that Mr. Loophole is at least also Christian, but perhaps he's been able to take the form of ALL the dead people we've encountered along the way. I somehow doubt that Mr. Loophole, or Jacob, is all good or all evil. Drawing those lines seems too simple for this show.

I stick by the idea that Jack is our hero. I have a feeling that the final episode will end with his eye, just as the show began.

I don't hate Kate like everyone else seems to lately. I just wish she would go back to kicking ass again. Becoming a mother made her a pussy.

I was thrilled at the return of Rose and Bernard and I have a feeling we won't be seeing them again. I'm just glad they tied up that story line.

Questions: How does what is currently happening on the island (and by current I mean in the 70's) lead to the purging of the Dharma Initiative? It doesn't seem like that can happen now. Will we ever learn who "Adam and Eve" are? Rose and Bernard? It is possible that we will ever learn more about the real Henry Gale, who landed on the island on a balloon? What is Desmond up to?

I didn't see that one coming.

Gah, I have a love/hate relationship with this stupid show. It mostly irritates me but there's something that draws me in and makes me cry repeatedly. I end up ruining things for myself by being too analytical and I tend to spoil surprises by figuring them out ahead of time. I'm glad I was tooling around on Facebook during the finale because it allowed me to truly be shocked by what happened in the last five minutes. When Meredith realized that George was John Doe I actually screamed out loud. This was frankly a better story line than Izzy's issue, because she seemed to code out of nowhere. WTF.

Will they actually kill off both characters? I know both actors requested to leave the show and they both took back the request. But was it too late? If I had to put money on it, I'd say Izzy survives and George kicks it.

I didn't care for what they did. It felt like a waste of an episode.

And what was with the fact that THREE of the above shows had main characters who hallucinated? Two people saw dead people, and Booth saw...Stewie? Fucking gay. HOW did three hit shows end up following a grossly similar story lines?

*sigh* I hate summer television.

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