Saturday, May 9, 2009

Looking Forward To Tomorrow

Tomorrow is mother's day. Which means I will go visit my mother, and I'm not looking forward to it. She's angry with me for reasons it would take pages to explain. However, with the cover of my father, sister and niece, she won't bring up her issues tomorrow, thank the lord. What I'm REALLY looking forward to is sitting around with my sister and niece all day watching My So-Called Life (and revisiting one of my former FC crushes, see below).

The show looks a little dated, its very early 90's in style, tone, angst, etc. But something about it still speaks to me because I'm obviously still very much a teenage girl. This is a quality I hope to never lose because too many people do.

And what's the harm?

I live my life as an adult (for the most part) and as long as I'm able to function as an adult, what's so bad about living like a kid in my free time?

Even though it's been time consuming, I'm thrilled at my own interest in Twilight, mostly because its been a very long time since I felt so....wrapped up in something. I feared it was a quality that I was losing as I got older. The last time was perhaps when I started reading Harry Potter. I started late so I had 5 books to get through and it seemed to take over my life. Even good old HP has lost some of its charm for me over the years.

This, as everything else, will pass. And when it does it will feel like a cloud has been lifted. I currently feel like I'm living in a dream and once I get bored with it I will wake up.

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