Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Smoke Monster, or, The Power To Quit

I need to quit smoking. I smoke entirely too much and force my second hand smoke upon other people. L.P. I apologize for bathing you in my vice last night.

I've been looking up some helpful tips to quit. I can't use the patch this time around because all of the places I can put it are either locations of psoriasis or injection sites. The patches burn to begin with, so putting them on an open sore would be torture. Plus the instructions explicitly tell you not to do this.

I may try these new Liberty Stix thingys (made in Cleveland! AND FDA approved!). Their website is slightly confusing as there is no explanation of how these things work, but yet there is a battery involved. I'm confused.

Other than that, some helpful tips I've encountered: ease yourself off by eliminating certain times or places you can smoke; don't try and quit during a time of stress or change; rid your house of any smoking paraphenalia (sp?) such as ash trays and lighters.

All of these things are fantastic in theory, and some have even worked for me before. At least temporarily.

The bottom line is that I chain smoke and mentally beat myself up for it every time I do it. So something's gotta give. Starting school and a new job at the same time probably isn't the greatest scenario in which to try and quit. I'm not making excuses, I'm trying to be logical. I don't like setting myself up for failure.

So. I'm going to give myself a few weeks of getting settled into my new routine and look further into these Liberty Stix, all while attempting to at least quit smoking in my car. One simple goal that should be attainable.

Wish me luck.

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