Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Day of Slacking, Part 1

I started off my day by working, and by working I mean sitting at my job doing as little as possible until it was time to leave. I came home and ate lunch while watching episodes of The Office on Hulu. I managed to accomplish one of my goals for the day, by catching up with all of season 5. Also, I ate Taco Bell. Do volcano tacos taste better than regular tacos because the shell is red?

I managed to do something remotely productive by running a load of laundry WHILE watching The Office. I really kind of wish the Michael Scott Paper Company had lasted.

I told myself that once the laundry was done and I had a clean towel, that I would work out and then shower. Instead of doing this, I started reading New Moon and continued to read New Moon for the next two hours. I had to take a break because Bella's heartbreak was exhausting me. I suppose it's an example of good empathetic writing that I was able to feel every single iota of Bella's breakup with Edward but it's not really fun to spend time feeling like you're going through a breakup when you're not. I have resigned myself to get through this book as quickly as possible because I just don't like the story as much without Edward. Which I suppose is also how Bella feels.

Next on my list of plans: continue reading until I am too hungry and must make dinner and then wait for the two hour season finale of Grey's Anatomy. Then: watch the two hour season finale of Grey's Anatomy.

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