Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Finally Found The Right Words, or, An Addendum To My Very First Post, or, You May Now Think I Am Officially Insane

After consuming six Rising Moon's and watching Twilight for the fourth time with my cousin (who had no interest in it but watched it with me because she's understanding like that)I managed to say to her something that I'd be trying to express in my first post on here:

I love Twilight because I loved it before it existed. EC was essentially a fantasy I had since I was 15 or 16 and loving it now is not even a choice. I simply finally have something tangible to love instead of a vague idea of something that I could love if it existed. I started this blog to explore all these strange attachments and affinities I have for things, and the I titled it so because for too long I DID believe in guilty pleasures, tastes I thought I had to, or should, keep to myself. My whole life was one big guilty pleasure and I'm through with thinking of it as such.

I like what I like. I love what I love. Deal with it.

So we watched Twilight and Sam actually had a few positives to say. And the negatives I totally agree with as well. It's not a great film. It's a sappy story. And I certainly don't go around recommending it to people. In going with a vampire theme we watched Blade next, which I'd actually never seen. It was alright. Stephen Dorff made a pretty good bad vampire. I can't really make any informed opinion though because we talked most of the way through it, and I was fairly drunk.

Today we drove all over looking in stores and running errands. I'm tired, but really looking forward to an evening with my real life boyfriend and watching the season finale of Lost. You can look forward to a post about Lost in the not-so-distant future, I'm sure.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow at 1pm. This means that I'm done with work and have nothing else to do tomorrow. Here is what I hope to accomplish:
Cleaning my kitchen area.
Watching episodes of The Office on Hulu.
Starting New Moon.
Watching Son Of Rambow.

My day tomorrow is PACKED full of awesomeness.

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