Monday, February 8, 2010

Dusts Off the Old Blog

For those of you who wondered where I was from July until now (and by "those of you" I mean "no one"), here is a brief recap:

-I moved from a tiny apartment to a slightly less tiny apartment.

-School started again and sucked up more time than I cared for (what, with watching hours and hours of Mardy's PowerPoint presentations on Elder Law and Estate Planning)

-I helped plan and attend my sister's bachelorette party and then her subsequent wedding at which I won the award for "Most crying, tattooed Maid Of Honor."

-Fall programming started, and I would rather watch Gossip Girl than think. Or type.

-The holidays (Family Winter Drunkfest 2009).

Now that we're into the most barren part of the year (at least it is in northeastern Ohio)and I've set a few lame-o goals for myself (How many Oscar movies can I see? Can I read 50 books this year?) I figured I'd shine up the blog and start chronicaling some of my adventures in tedium.

Also, I got a Roku Player, so the possibilities are endless!

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